On Earth as it is in Heaven

Did You Know

“Christians make up 33% of the world’s population, but receive 53% of the world’s annual income and spend 98% of it on themselves.– Barrett and Johnson, 2001, 656

“North American and European Christians spend $12.5 trillion on themselves and their families each year.” – Barrett and Johnson, 2001, 656

“Only 0.1% of all Christian giving is directed toward mission efforts in the 38 most unevangelized countries in the world.”Barrett and Johnson, 2001, 656

“American Christians spend 95% of offerings on home-based ministry, 4.5% on cross-cultural efforts in already reached people groups, and .5% to reach the unreached.” – The Traveling Team

“Christians’ annual income is $12.3 trillion. $213 billion is given to Christian causes. $11.4 billion is given to foreign missions, 87% of which goes to work being done among the already Christian, 12% goes to work among the evangelized non-Christians, 1% among the unevangelized.” – The Traveling Team

It’s time!

We tip 15-20% when we eat, yet we can’t give God 10%!

On average, American church members give just 2.58% of their income with 25% giving nothing at all. Discovering for the first time that Christians are not giving at the level you may have thought can be depressing, but even at 2.58% it still adds up to over $103 billion given to American churches each year.

CHECK THIS OUT: $103 billion dollars every single year is an incredible amount. It’s enough for the American church alone to eliminate the most extreme poverty in the world by many estimates.

The Reality:

So how is the money being spent? Here are the stats according to Empty Tomb, Inc.:

85% goes to Internal Operations:

  • 50% to pay the salary of pastors and church staff.
  • 22% to pay for upkeep and expansion of buildings.
  • 13% for church expenses such as electricity and supplies.

15% goes to Outreach:

  • 13% local ministry.
  • 2% for overseas missions (both evangelistic and charitable).

We want to FLIP THAT!!!

Our heart is to FLIP THE MODEL, to give more and live on less. But we can’t do that without your help! We believe we can give MORE to those who need it most if we all work together.

85% goes to Outreach:

  • 50% for overseas missions
  • 35% local ministry

15% goes to Internal Operations:

  • 13% to pay the salary of operational team
  • 2% for upkeep, expenses, and supplies

We need your help! And with your 10% monthly donation, WE CAN WIN THE WORLD FOR THE LORD!